HTML5 Fractal Playground 1.3, May 17, 2014
I have had some more time to tinker with and tune my "HTML5 Fractal Playground" project. My newer work mostly focuses on the user interface,
though I did add two new iterating functions.
I moved most of the options into a jQuery-UI dialog. I provide buttons for most common operations along with keyboard shortcuts.
I added a [Fullscreen] button that allows the application to run fullscreen with HTML5.
I added another open-source library called "core-estimator". This library estimates the number of cores in your CPU to optimize the
parallel computations. The only drawback is that it takes a while to load, especially with Internet Explorer.
I added an experimental hash URL system that allows for specific locations within a fractal to be bookmarked. However, please don't count
on URLs in this version to work with future versions. I might need to change something to add new functionality. Please consider this
feature experimental for the time being.
With the hash URL syntax, you should be able to use the back button in the browser to return to a previously drawn fractal.
There is a known issue with this: you must wait for each fractal to draw, or else the program will try to draw two fractals at once.
I expect to fix this in the next version.
Assuming that a future version doesn't change the hash URL syntax, you can click on the pictures below to draw them in HTML5 Fractal Playground.
f(z) = sin(z / c)
f(z) = cos(z / c)
Deep zoom on f(z) = sin(z / c)